Journal Details

  • Cyberspace usage Status and Trends with Intervention techniques

    Publisher Neelima V
    E-ISSN 2319-7064
    Print ISSN
    Chief Editor Narayana Rao
    Contact email
    Address RISE KRISHNA SAI PRAKASAM GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS (Approved by A.I.C.T.E-New Delhi, Affiliated to JNTU Kakinada) Valluru (Post), ONGOLE PRAKASAM (Dist).A.P-523 272
    Country India
    Impact Factor Or Status Awaiting
    Journal Description

    Nowadays, users can easily submit feedback about software products in app stores, social media, or user groups. Moreover, software vendors are collecting massive amounts of implicit feedback in the form of usage data, error logs, and sensor data. These trends suggest a shift toward data-driven user-

    Journal Language


    Accessibility Type (Free/Paid)


    Area of Specialization

    Software Development and Testing

    Starting Year of the Journal


    Online Availability (Yes/No)


    Content Accessibility (Full Text/Abstract/ Table of Content)

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